Making Peace

Scripture Reading - James 3:17-18 KJV

17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.
18 And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.

In today’s lesson we will look at the subject of “Peace”. When we mention “peace” we are not talking about just any kind of peace, like “peace” between countries or nations, nor are we speaking about man’s “peace” in the context of a “peace” sign between people to echo the thought of “peace” between all people. Our subject for today is more spiritual because we are speaking of ministering “God’s Peace” to another person in need. Yes, we know it is very special to have “God’s Peace” in your heart and to all born-again Children of God you should have “peace” primarily because the “Prince of Peace”, Jesus Christ, lives within you. Yes, “God’s Peace” starts in your Heart and expands to comfort your head too. When we think about comforting your head we are specifically speaking of “God’s Peace” soothing your mind. Yes, “God’s Peace” is the answer to all our frustrations, fears and fighting among men. We must have “God’s Peace” in our heart and mind first to then release this “peace” unto others. Today’s reference verses showed us (ihlcc) something different when looking at these verses more recently. What we saw was that the Wisdom from above (God’s Wisdom) is of course first pure which means it is one hundred percent (100%) aligned with God’s Word. There is no mingling of man’s ideas with God’s Holy Word in the context of the Holy Bible. Since being pure is the top priority we must be diligent to keep God’s Word pure which means letting God’s Word stand on its own without adding our own imagination and opinions to it. However, we see next that the “Wisdom from Heaven” is “peaceable” which means to operate in the Wisdom of God we must seek to “make peace”. This is a beautiful revelation because many Christians are seeking God’s Wisdom but they are missing the part of preparing themselves to receive it (or we could say, Him). Yes, the wisdom of God is available to all people but would you not agree that the person looking to receive from God is more open to hear from God. This bears repeating because if some Saints are like we were they could easily miss out on God’s Wisdom simply because they were looking up when they should have been looking within. What we mean by that is praying for God’s Wisdom is good and right but unless you purpose to use God’s Wisdom in pureness, in peace, in gentleness with ease of discussion, being full of mercy and good fruits, without showing partiality, nor showing hypocrisy you are not ready for the Wisdom of The Father. Yes, it is one thing to desire God’s Thoughts but we (as disciples of Jesus Christ) must first seek to have God’s Heart to proper express God’s Thoughts. This makes a lot of sense because the heart of the delivery will help aid in the reception of the delivery (or we could say it will help in receiving The Deliver). In other words how you say what you say can make all the difference. Amen! We all like to learn new things and we typically thrive on knowledge and new revelation. However, if the teacher or presenter speaks down to us it is harder to receive from that individual. We have noticed that even spouses like their partner to talk to them a certain nice way because it matters if they really want to understand each other better. Why?, primarily because if the one spouse is abusive, condescending, defensive or mean when they present their information the listening partner will generally shut down by being unresponsive. This means as Believers in Christ Jesus we must check our motive first. Thus, it comes back to being a “Peace Maker”. Yes, you now know to “seek making peace first” with any person you minister to and take some time to allow the Holy Spirit of God to minister to your heart a “peaceable” resolution. Think about it, how many times have we thought to straighten someone else out when they did something wrong? How often do we feel that we should tell another Christian exactly what more they need to do to be more like Jesus. Of course, we use Jesus Name but we are actually saying be more like me because I am more like Jesus than you. Yes, people don’t use such plainness of speech but that is what their actions are speaking to the other person having to listen to their correction in the name of counsel. Yes, dear believer in Christ Jesus, oh Child of the Living God, this is not right because too many times we aren’t looking for “peace” but rather looking to talk to straighten out individual members of the Body of Christ. Yes, listen up all parents your own children are first Children of God, so instead of constantly looking to correct them, seek to “make peace” by showing the child God by your own actions. Yes, show them how Jesus acts not just what He (The Lord) said according to your own interpretation of the Holy Bible. Yes, pastors Jesus warned us of not lording over His sheep in 1 Peter 5:3 but rather instead be examples to the flock. This is only accomplished through seeking to “make peace”. Now we (ihlcc) are “seeking to make peace” because it doesn’t just happen automatically when a believer comes on the scene. No, you must “make peace” by first being “a peaceful person” who speaks God’s Word purely in the fruits of righteousness which also includes gentleness, calm conversation, much mercy, God’s good fruits of the Spirit, without any partiality or hypocrisy. We now know with all confidence that we should only approach God for His Wisdom when we are committed to presenting this wisdom God’s Way. Yes, we are finding God’s Wisdom comes to the “peacemakers” that are humble in heart. So don’t look to speak to troubled people in the wisdom of men but rather “seek to make peace” in the hurting heart by speaking the gentle Word of God to edify the listener in the Fruit of the Holy Spirit so that they can digest God’s Pure Word well. Doing this will allow many hurting people to leave your presence in “peace” and appreciation instead of condemnation and carefulness. For there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus who walk after the Spirit meaning we will not bring condemnation to others because we walk after (just like) the Spirit of God. Thus, no condemnation will come upon us because we don’t sow seeds of judgment to God’s Children or God’s created people upon the earth. Please let God minister to His Children in the special way He only can do and if The Lord Jesus ask us to step into a certain situation as a second witness we will with the intent of “making peace” in Jesus Name because nothing less than “making peace” will do. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. - Matthew 5:9 KJV Amen!